Rules and Guidelines

Application Process: To be considered for the market season all market vendors must submit their completed application and required documentation. If a market vendor is not accepted into the market, the application will be kept on file for the following market season. In the event that space becomes available during the market season, we will contact those market vendors that meet all market criteria and are the best fit for the overall atmosphere of the market according to the product diversity and customer request.

The application packet must contain the following mandatory content before it will be accepted for review and approval.
• Completed application signed and dated.
• Complete list of all products that will be sold during the market season and the months of availability for each product. New products not listed and submitted with the application must have prior approval from market management before bringing/selling the product(s) at the farmers market.
• Liability Insurance information
• Copies of all food safety forms, inspection reports and licenses/permits, organic certification documents, as applicable, to the sale of your product(s). Vendors are responsible for knowing which requirements apply to their product(s).
• Copy of signed affidavit as market vendor. The signed form is used to certify that the market vendor has read, understands and will abide by the market guidelines.

Completed application packet can be: 1) mailed to: PO Box 113, Old Chatham NY 12136, or (2) emailed to:

Permits and Licenses: All participating market vendors in the Side Track Farmer’s Market must abide by all applicable federal, state, and local business, tax and health regulations. Market vendors will be responsible for obtaining and paying for any permits and licenses required by Onondaga County and New York State. Market vendors must comply with the regulations pertaining to the harvesting, food preparation and safety, and labeling of products for products that are brought to and sold at the farmers markets. All market vendors must include when submitting the application packet a copy of all applicable reports, permits and licenses required. All permits and licenses must be kept current for the entire market season.

Products to Be Sold:
Fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, preserved fruits and vegetables, fresh and dried herbs, frozen and processed meats and poultry products, cheese, nursery and container plants, vinegars, cider, maple products, baked goods, breads, ready-to-eat foods, handmade soaps, flowers, bedding plants, and potted plants are examples of products that may be sold at the market.

Producers of local horticultural, meat, poultry and dairy products will always represent the majority of our farmer’s market vendors.

Vendors selling non-edible items, baked goods, prepared foods and beverages will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and selected based on space availability and product diversity.

Produce: Growers offering a balanced mix of fresh fruits and vegetables will be maintained throughout the season. All produce must be of fresh market quality, insect-free, and have no residue such as dirt or mud that cannot be removed by normal washing. Produce of lesser quality for use in preserving, canning or jam making may be sold if clearly labeled as such.

Meat Products: Vendors must comply with all relevant state, local and federal regulations covering the types of products they offer for sale, including regulations of the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, The New York State Board of Health, and the Onondaga County Department of Health. Pertinent licenses, permits, seals, and/or certificates must be displayed, as appropriate

Baked Goods: Baked goods must be handled in accordance with the rules and regulations described by the state and local health department in which your farm/business is located. Vendors will be required to submit current kitchen inspection reports, licenses and permits associated with their farm/business.

Eggs: Shell eggs packed for the consumers are to be stored under refrigeration at a temperature of 45 degrees F or below at all times while selling at the market. Shell eggs must be intact and free of cracks. Eggs must be from the farmer’s own fowl. Egg cartons must be properly labeled in accordance to the state regulations. No resale of another farmer’s eggs is allowed.

Ready-To-Eat Foods: Market vendors are responsible for complying with state and local health department regulations concerning the storage, preparation, and labeling of processed and potentially hazardous foods offered for sale at the farmers market. All market vendors selling food must submit applicable food safety forms and licenses with their farmers market application.

Food Handling: Proper handling of food at the farmers market is a critical part of ensuring the safety of consumers. Foodborne illness is caused by consuming contaminated foods or beverages. All food items must be properly protected against contamination at all times. Therefore:
• Prepared/ready-to-eat foods may not be displayed for sale without being properly wrapped, covered or protected by an appropriately designed sneeze guard. All food items must be kept covered and kept at a proper temperature prior to selling.
• Vendors must store all food items at least 6 inches off the floor/ground.
• Vendors cannot handle exposed, ready-to-eat foods directly with their bare hands. Utensils such as deli paper, tongs, or disposable gloves may be used to prevent bare hand contact with exposed, ready-to-eat foods. Disposable gloves that handle money should not come in direct contact with ready-to eat-foods. Gloves must be discarded when they become damaged or soiled or when vendor is switching tasks.
• Food samples must be presented in a safe and sanitary manner and in accordance with the Onondaga County Department of Public Health and other applicable regulations. Vendors must provide toothpicks for consumer use if providing samples of their products. Signs are to be clearly displayed stating “Please use toothpicks when sampling” and “toothpicks are for single use only.”
• Ice used for consumption must be kept in clean containers and dispensed by appropriate scoops/utensils.
• Adequate equipment must be used to maintain foods that require time and temperature control for safety (potentially hazardous foods) at the appropriate temperature to prevent risk of illness. Foods that require cold holding refrigeration must be kept at 41 degrees F or below. Foods that require hot holding heat must be kept at 135 degrees F or above.
• Vendors will have access to on-site hand washing station and rest rooms.
• All vehicles and other equipment used for transporting and displaying products must be kept clean at all times.

Hand Crafted Items: All craft products must be handcrafted in New York State by the vendor and be approved by the Market Manager. Product selection will be based on quality, originality and compatibility with the existing market mix.

Hours of Operations: The Seasonal Outdoor Market is held every Thursday and Friday, from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm starting the June 23 through October 28. The market is located at 4975 State Route 31, Clay NY 13041 For the SAFETY of the Customers, market vendors must arrive at the market no later than 2:00 pm and be ready to start selling when the market opens at 3:00pm. The market will open and close promptly. Due to space limitations, latecomers may be relocated or denied admission at market management’s discretion. No sales before the 3:00pm bell ringing. Market vendors will be allowed 15 minutes after the market closes to complete sales transactions initiated before the closing. All vehicles must vacate the market site no later than 8:30 pm. Parking spaces will be assigned by the Market manager based on available space on the east side of the building.

Building Access: Market vendors will NOT have building access, as part of the Market’s Town of Clay permit.

Disputes: It is the intent of the Market to offer customers fresh, quality farm products. All complaints/concerns, whether it is from the market vendor or consumer, should be reported to market personnel and submitted in writing. The issue will be and addressed appropriately by market management.

Smoking: No smoking permitted in the market area.

Electrical Outlets: There is limited access to electricity at the market. All market vendors must inform market management of their electrical needs and receive prior approval before using any existing electrical outlets at the market. Generators are not permitted for use at the farmers market without market management approval. If extension cords are used, they must be safely secured and out of the way of consumer foot traffic. Market vendors are responsible for supplying extension cords for their stall use. Check with market management to ensure that you are using an approved outdoor cord. If the appropriate cords are not being used then they can be removed from your stall and impact your market sales.

Inclement Weather: The farmers market is open rain or shine. It is at the market vendor’s discretion to participate on market day in inclement weather. Be sure to notify market personnel of your decision. However, if the weather reports are calling for severe inclement weather, such as high winds, severe thunderstorm, tornado warning, etc., then market personnel reserves the right to cancel the market for the safety of the market vendors and customers. If the market is cancelled by market personnel due to severe inclement weather, then market vendors will be notified within 24 hours by telephone and/or email of the closure.

Market Commitment: Market vendors must commit to the entire market season unless other agreements have been made with market management.  Product availability may limit participants’ beginning and ending dates; therefore, a schedule will be developed prior to the start of the market season documenting the market vendor’s commitment to the market. If the market vendor is not able to commit to the entire market season then market personnel has the option to share the space with another market vendor. Market vendors that repeatedly miss market days can be terminated from market participation at the discretion of the market personnel.

Market Equipment/Supplies: Canopies or other booth covers are required to be flame retardant and have weights sufficient to keep the covering in place. Canopy weights must be in place from setup until take down. Each tent leg or umbrella must be securely weighted down with 20 – 25 or more pounds of weight at all times in order to sell at the Market. Any damage incurred by a vendor due to insufficient weights will be at that vendor’s expense. Vendors without adequate weights will not be allowed to set up on Market day.
Each market vendor will be responsible for providing tables, tablecloths, certified scales, signs, containers, and change.

Notification of Attendance: Market vendors must give 48 hour notice if he/she cannot attend on market day and knows in advance. We are aware that sometimes unforeseen circumstances do occur. If a market vendor repeatedly misses market days or continuously arrives late to the market, it can result in termination of market participation.

Reasons to disallow participation: Efforts will be made to accommodate all who apply, however, a vendor may not be allowed to participate in the market due to insufficient space, excess supply of the product(s) to be sold, do not submit the required license or permit for market participation, continuous late arrival, and refusal to adhere to market guidelines.

Side Track Farmer’s Market personnel reserve the right to refuse acceptance or dismiss any market vendor or product that does not adhere to the rules and guidelines as stated in this document. Consequences for violating the market rules and guidelines will result in the following:
• First offense: verbal warning
• Second offense: written warning
• Third offense: suspended for one market day
• Fourth offense: suspended for the remaining market season

Reselling: The resale of items purchased by participating farms/businesses will not be permitted except for vendors selling baked goods and value-added products in which the items must have been approved by market management.

Signage for Vendor Stalls: A well presented stall will convey a message of confidence to market buyers. Easily visible signs, well organized product and display and easy access will result in increased sales. The Market Manager will visit your stall from time to time throughout the season and may make suggestions to enhance the appearance and help provide a successful future the Market. Market vendors must clearly display signs that show the name of their farm/business, products and prices. Prices must be legible and visible for customers to see. Prices of items for sale must utilize one or more of the following techniques:
• Individual price stickers on each item
• Individual price signs for each type of item
• A list of prices on a large sign or board

Stall and Parking Space: Every effort is made to minimize market vendor movement, but space adjustments can be made at the discretion of market personnel, if deemed necessary. Assigned stall space sizes are 10×10 or 10×20 feet. Parking will be provided for one vehicle. Parking will be assigned based on the availability of space located at the farmers market. If the market vendor has an assigned parking space on the farmers market lot, his/her vehicle must fit within the assigned16w x 17d foot parking space. All other vehicles must be removed from the market premises.

Security: Every effort will be made by Side Track Farmer’s Market to make the market a safe environment for market vendors and consumers. However, it will be the responsibility of the market vendors to take every precaution to safeguard all valuables and cash and their vehicles during market hours. Suspicious activity should be reported immediately market and/or Security personnel.

Waste Management Procedures: Market vendors are responsible for maintaining their space in a clean and attractive manner with attention to public safety and respect.
Market vendors are responsible for cleaning all trash and waste including sweeping up of any debris within and around their allotted space. You must take with you any trash or garbage that is generated in or around your booth and sweeping up any product debris left on the ground. Vendors should bring their own brooms and dustpans. Vendors are not permitted to dispose of produce waste, overripe or leftover produce or boxes in any on-site garbage cans or dumpsters.